Thursday was Pioneer Day - literally (July 24th), as well as our dress-up like a Pioneer Day. My Mom made each child a costume. The girls had aprons and bonnets. The boys had shirts, vests, and caps. The boys looked like little newsies!Aren't they adorable? She made bonnets for the babies too. I wish I had gotten a picture of the babies altogether!
Due to a small problem, (the Nauvoo house was double booked by accident) we had to leave the Nauvoo House on Thursday. So we sent the Dads and the children to see the play "Anna Amanda" while the Moms cleaned. Then we all moved into our new houses. We were no longer together, but the Community of Christ opened up other historical homes for us to stay in. The Johnson home, the Marks home, the Rigdon home, and an old bakery.
Afterwards, we went to see Pioneer Past Times. This is such a fun place for kids. They have games that pioneer children would have played and dress up.
Playing on stilts. Lizzy and Joy on the fake sheep.
Becca and Sammi playing grace.
I made this a little bigger because I just love this picture! It should be on some brochure somewhere!
Becca, Jason, & Joy playing Fox and Hens. Jessi loved this little house to play in!
My Pioneer Girls
After that fun time, we went to the Temple Accommodation Building. This was a must-do on Jason's list. His Grandparents served their mission here in Nauvoo. They served in this house! The downstairs was sent up like the other houses in Nauvoo, with period antiques and Grandma Southwick gave the tours of the house. Grandpa Southwick gave tours of the temple site. So this place is very special to him. The Temple Accommodation Building is now used to explain the purpose of temples to those who are interested in learning more.
If you have been to our house, you have seen the HUGE picture of the Nauvoo temple on our wall. It used to hang right here on this wall. This building was to be renovated when the Southwicks finished their mission. Grandpa wanted to know what they were going to do with the picture. They were going to just get rid of it. Grandpa, being the good old farmer he was, couldn't see that. So in the back of their truck it went (with the church's blessing, of course). It graced the wall of their home for many years. After their passing, it found it's way to my in-laws home. When they went on their mission, it found its way to our home. Since it is now a picture of "Joy's temple" (quote by Lizzy Mae Turpin), we intend for it to stay for a long, long time.
Jason's Grandparents lived in the upstairs of this house when they were here. So here are the stairs to their place.
This picture is from the East of the temple. Isn't it beautiful?

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