Becca has been working on Personal Progress. She had to make a menu and cook the food for two weeks (yeah for me!). And a note to self – when all you are going to do is touch ups and not paint the whole bathroom, remember to make sure you have the right paint can. Otherwise you might do this and touch up with the wrong color :)
Monday Jason, Becca, Kris, and Jacob went out to an Astros Game – fun!
Becca worked on getting ready for school, including shopping and a hair cut! She looks super cute!
We converted Joy’s bed into a big girl bed. She is such a stinker!
Then Wednesday Bella and I went downtown for an appointment. We are working on a little fine tuning with her fluids. She had a great week otherwise!
With the girls in Utah, we were doing lots of checks on the stand by list for Continental. It was a very busy week for Continental. After the last flight on Wednesday Jason and I were starting to get really nervous. We were missing our babies terribly. Although they were having fun, they didn’t sound very good on the phone. Our hearts needed them home. We started to look at our possible solutions to get them home by Monday when school starts. Buying a ticket was too expensive – it was too last minute – and we were limited because they are unaccompanied minors. In the end we decided to drive there in a rented car and drive back – so 3500 miles in 72 hours. I’m very glad we did.
I, personally, have been about to hit my stress max just with life in general. About 10 hours into our trip, I started to totally relax. Bella was doing well – she had a good set of nurses for those three days. The nurse was texting me pictures and I was calling every three hours. Jason and I had time to talk and just be alone together – not something we had had much lately. Life with a babe like Bella can be very stressed, very wonderful, but very stressful. And I love road trips. Airports stress me out, but the open road – that I love. I am amazed at how big this country is – and the variety, from desert and nothing to breathtaking mountain vistas. I love a nice long road trip. I so hope an RV is in my future!

(Just as an aside – if you are ever traveling through Laramie, Wyoming and it’s dinnertime, we HIGHLY recommend Anong’s Thai Restaurant. There is only one word, YUM!)
We got into SLC at 11:38PM and I got to hold my girls again. This was good for my heart.
The girls told us all about their wonderful time in SLC. Jessi adores Utah. She so prefers the climate there to here. They got to meet Grandpa and Grandma while they were there and have dinner with them.
We crashed at Linda’s that night. In the morning we were up early. We needed to be on the road, but since we were here we went and saw a few things. We got to see Ben’s grave marker. We got to meet Jaxson!!! (so cool!) I got to see the Conference Center and then Jason and I took pictures at the temple – the same thing a million other new couples were doing. December will be 18 years since we were one of those young and naive couples – wow!

We hopped back in the car and drove home. 3500 miles in 72 hours. I am so happy to have all 8 of us under one roof again.
Kris took care of Bec, Liz and Joy while we were gone. They swam and played. Lizzy got to meet her new teachers and go to a birthday party. Becca went to Freshmen Orchestra Orientation and a full Klein High School orchestra rehearsal. One of our nurses texted me that she wanted to take Becca out shopping on Saturday. It was tax free weekend and she and her two daughters are quite the shoppers. Let’s just say Becca had a blast and is set for the next school year! :)
When I look at it, things aligned perfectly for us to be able to get away. Kris was here. Nurses I trusted were here. Bella was doing well. I’m just grateful.
The car shot – whenever we rent a car, Jason likes a picture of it. The Ford Fusion.