We have had a very busy week! The girls have finished up their gymnastics and Music and Motion classes. We had gifts to make and give to our teachers. This year we felt the best gift was to give the Book of Mormon. After all, if they don't read it, they think we are a nice family that is just really into their religion. And if they do read it, and feel the Holy Ghost bear witness of the truthfulness of the book, then we have helped another soul learn of the glorious plan of our Father in Heaven. What is more important than that? Not to worry, we also included some tasty treats for their tummies! The girls were able to perform at Willowbrook Mall with their choir.
Silent Night
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
That was fun! Afterwards we saw Santa!
Yesterday was a busy day! We had a Christmas home school party. The girls were able to perform there as well. The party was a lot of fun. There was a skit on Christmas in Texas, a craft (candy cane reindeer), treats (of course!), playing, playing, playing, and parachute games. After the party, we headed over to Silverado Nursing Home. The girls were able to perform again (they are becoming old pros at this point) and visit with the ladies and gentlemen there. I was so proud of my little girls who walked right up to these lonely, elderly people and shared their love and hugs with them. There was a lady there named Joy. Jessi thought that was so funny! "There are 2 Joys", Jessi said. "One big, one small." In the evening we went to our ward Christmas program. There was a catered dinner. Afterwards was the Christmas program. Sammi had a poem to recite. "I wonder what does Christmas mean?" I was so proud of her. We had practiced and practiced. She knew it very well, and would rush through it, but at the night of the program, she said it at just the right speed and remembered all of her words! Yeah Sammi! After the program, the girls saw a song with Rachel White from the ward. They did a beautiful job! Yeah girls!! I am so proud of you.
Today is Sammi's 8th Birthday. This means that she is of age to be Baptized a member of the church.
Sammi had a wonderful day and her friends and family were there to watch and participate with her on this special day. Sammi's dad baptized her and confirmed her a member of the church.
We went to the Ball's farm for a Thanksgiving day lunch. We brought our good friend Linda and her son Matthew.
We had a wonderful day of eating on the porch, watching Grandpa play baseball with the kids, and fishing. (We caught lots of bluegill.)
We had our family Christmas photo taken.
in the late afternoon we left to go to Grandma and Grandpa Turpins for our second Thanksgiving meal of the day. We sat at a table set for royalty and ate our second large Thanksgiving meal of the day. The kids had fun and we talked through the evening.
Overall it was one of the best Thanksgiving days ever.
On October 21st we went to the Haunted Homestead at Jesse H Jones park.
They had a hay ride that went out to the homestead and you could walk around and see the ghosts and ghouls inhabiting the homestead.
they then had a walking trail back to the parking that had many trick or treat stops for the kids to get candy. Becca loved the hay ride so much she had to go twice.
On Saturday we went up to Plantersville to go to Nathan's birthday party and to have some fun.
We had lots of pumpkins to carve for the kids. We had them draw the faces that they wanted then had an adult cut them out.
The kids got to play some out doors games and then went in for presents and cake.
after the party we went out fishing and pulled in a couple of Catfish and Bluegill. I got to catch a small bass and prove to all that there is indeed bass in the pond. (it was only 10 or 11 inches, maybe a pound and a half.) We have heard tales that there are some 8 lb. bass in the pond.
We stayed through the evening and watched a beautiful sunset and took some pictures of the farm.