That was our week – mostly good, but dotted with a few unexpected unpleasantries.

I went to the dentist and finally got my permanent crown placed as well as an unexpected bill for an additional $688. I’ll be finding a new dentist :) I also got to visit the OBGYN this week, but all of this was off set by having lunch with my mother at Mia Bella’s. I stole this picture on the left from their web site - let’s consider it free advertising!! It was wonderful to have lunch with my Mama. Daddy was in town and had her little ones and Sammi took care of Joy for me while the nurse watched Bella. Me and my Mom – no kids – I can’t think of the last time that happened. Wonderful!
OH! and the admonition to never leave a 2 year old unattended – good advice. Unless you like to clean up orange neon paint.

Sammi’s last day of school was Tuesday. Her theater arts group performed Oedipus Rex (crazy play) and then the song “King of New York” from Newsies. Sammi received an award for being the Most Creative in her History class. I will admit she doesn’t get it from me! She has grown so much this year. When she started the year she was afraid to leave me and would cry. She has matured, grown, and learned so much. I am so proud of her.

Wednesday we all got to go over to our piano teacher and friend from church’s 50th birthday celebration – yummy cake! :) Then we popped over to the twin’s house for our weekly cuddle time. Let me just say the girls are naturals. They each picked up a baby, cuddled them up, popped in a binky, and those boys were out! :)

On Thursday Becca got to go to the English breakfast. She was invited by her teacher. Sorry, no picture ;( Another recognition for her efforts at school. Yeah Bec. Jessi and Lizzy had an AR party at school on Friday for getting their AR t-shirts this year. AR is a reading program they do at school.
That night Sammi babysat Nathan and Mandy while Mama and Daddy went to the temple.

Friday brought us the Ward BBQ. The food was wonderful and we found some great creatures!

Then we ran home to allow Becca to change
into her Orchestra uniform. She had her end of the year concert. Jason tells me it was wonderful! I didn’t get to go because Jessi fell riding her bike and got this: I am so grateful we have nurses here at the house to look at things. We decided to stay home and keep an eye on her. Sorry for your owie baby and congratulations Bec – you did so well this year. She started the Viola this school year. She went from beginning orchestra to concert. She qualified for high school orchestra – yeah!

With perfect timing, a package showed up from Germany. I had an inkling what was in it – and immediately stuck it in the fridge – tis hot here. I was happily correct!! Asia sent us a bunch of chocolate!! Just what we needed this week. We have had one piece a day since :) Thanks Asia!

Saturday morning we had lots of friends over! Jason’s friend, Todd, was in town from Seattle and got to drop by and meet the family. Wonderful to see him – and he loved my babies which means he got big points in my book. Sammi and Becca both had friends over as well. Busy morning!
Then we headed off to Splashtown for a little family recreation. It’s an entire blog post unto its self. Let me just say it was fun. Jessi didn’t drown, neither did I. And the sheriff was really nice.