Monday, February 08, 2010

Our Week, Part 2

feb 8 009We have lived in this house since September 2003.  I have been meaning to get to the linen closet up stairs since then.  The shelves weren’t painted.  They were just some boards put in there.  Well Kris and Sammi took care of that this past week – yeah!!  Do you hear the choirs singing?  

Since we were on a roll, we are starting in on the game closet on the other side of the room.  In this closet, though, are some sad reminders to me of the trials my kids have endured this past year.  How do you get mad at a kid when you see this?  (Even if it is written in Sharpie?)  feb 8 015feb 8 014 

The funny one was this one, though:

feb 8 014

It must have been on a Sunday afternoon after Primary!  For those of you that don’t know, CTR stands for “Choose the Right!”  Little ironic that it is now permanently inscribed on my closet wall.  :)

Onto brighter things, our reverent Sabbath day observance of the Super Bowl: feb 8 003  feb 8 010 feb 8 012

feb 8 007


Jason did an experiment this weekend with wheat.  He ground white and red wheat and made two loaves of bread to see which one we preferred.  Grandpa Turpin and I prefer the red in case you were wondering.  :)

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