Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fasten Your Seat Belt and Hold On Tight!

Since mid-January, our lives have altered course.  When I went last weekend to pick up Kris, our babysitter/Nanny, I was telling her about school and what we did and what was required from the kids each day.  I was amazed as I talked to her about how much stuff we used to do – choir, piano lessons, cultural studies, read alouds, fun stuff!  We are pared down to the most essentials for the moment.

Since January our lives have entered a parallel universe.  I know that people are still living their lives, but we are focused on such different things at the moment.  I have been proud of my Becca.  She has grown up a lot these few months.  She now has to handle all things school by herself -  and I must add that she is doing a darn good job at it!  Jason has once again had to step up to the title of SuperDad as he handles shopping, cooking, working, everything – ing.  I am grateful he always does and doesn’t complain.  My other babies are growing and learning to live without their Mama – waa!!  I watch sick children up here all the time.  I see elements of my little ones in them.  I look and remember when my little ones were smaller and I long for those times again when they were small and cuddly.  Our house has decided to have a mid-life crisis.  The latest and greatest is our washing machine.  It decided no one was paying enough attention to it, so it went kupt.  Hopefully today the repairman will be able to give it some TLC, otherwise we will be looking for a new one.

Yesterday afternoon/evening/this morning, Houston was hit by a massive storm.  We lost power.  I am so grateful for our generator!  The power company was stringing a new line this morning when I left for the hospital.  12+ hours of no power.  Glad Bella wasn’t home!  I had stayed late at the hospital yesterday because Bella hasn’t been behaving of late.  I left with strict instructions for the hospital to call me if she took any wrong turns.  So when the phone rang at 3 AM, I assumed it was the hospital. (Bella didn’t misbehave until 4AM)  No, my sweet sister had gone into labor.  I got dressed and headed out into the rain.  We got Asia off to the hospital and I bundled up her cute baby and headed home.  Once I was home, I just held her for a while.  Her little body just melted into mine.  What a wonderful feeling.  I can’t remember the last time I held Bella, and then it’s so delicately because of all the wires and tubes.  It was lovely to feel her softness cuddled into my body.  Asia is home – no baby came during the storm.

Jason and I are looking around and wondering – what’s next?  :)  Hopefully something happy, there aren’t many other machines to break!

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