Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday and Church

I have been taught these last two Sundays a great lesson that I hope I never forget.  
I am a church goer. I am a Sabbath Day keeper. 
Our family can be found in the last pew every Sunday. We will not be stopping at the store or, to Joy’s lamentation, at McDonald’s for some “cow pies” (French fries 🍟 to all of you non SLPs out there) on the Lord’s Day.  Instead we will be either at church or at home.  Some Sundays are filled with extra church meetings, depending on our current church service assignments, but nonetheless, pretty much, church and home.  We will have a big Sunday dinner.  If they are in town, Jason’s folks will join us.  If they are well, Beccas family will join us.  It makes for some crowded but very enjoyable evenings.  

Last week in an attempt to fit in everything, bday party, cultural Festival, lawn, groceries, and a college family weekend, we visited on Sunday instead of Saturday like I would normally do. I felt justified.  But late Sunday night, as I faced having to get up at 5:30 AM to start my Monday, I suddenly felt so drained.  Another full week looming before me, and there had been no rest.  And I thought of Mark 2:27, The Sabbath was made for man. 

So fast forward one week.  Today I had an early meeting. I sat in Sacrament with all of my crazy, not reverent people plus my Granddaughter because my oldest wasn’t well.  The meeting wasn’t anything to write home about (sorry!), I had to take my Autistic son outside twice and my granddaughter once.  My 11 year old decided to have a stubborn DS moment and refuse to go to class, so I got to sit with her for the next two hours.  In short, not the best church experience ever. But I’m so glad I went. 

Today I took the emblems of my Saviors atoning sacrifice for me.  I prayed.  I fasted for personal guidance in my life. I had a wonderful dinner with my family. (It was great, Jason!) And I was forced (chose) to slow down because it was Sunday and this is what I do on the Sabbath.   What a blessing it is to keep the commandments.  He knows what He is doing when He gives us directions and guidance - and I’m grateful for that!!

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