Tuesday, February 20, 2018

An Amazing Day!

Yesterday was an amazing day – seriously, today it is raining and high 40s/low 50s – but yesterday!  We had a record high for February - 82!  The sun, the beautiful sun was out!  So I took advantage!  I took Kai outside (his third time ever!), we worked on counting, and we went to a park.  I love being outside!

Side note: Sammi is in love with baby Bennett – she and he both LOVE this baby wearing.  They share this sense of euphoria – it’s adorable!

IMG_1585  (Isn’t he still se teeny?)


trampoline and swings on the same day!


checking out different things around – the fence that surrounds the backyard.  The washer!!  :)IMG_1578


Practicing counting and numbers – every day we count.  But I wanted to start working on quantity, not just numbers.  So chocolate chips and pumpkin seeds were our manipulatives – anything edible is good!  The small tray is so he knows where to search – a confined space.IMG_1574IMG_1570

Off to the park – I walked Kai down to the stream and he was able to feel the water.  (He had just finished drinking from the water bottle that he is holding in the pictures.)


Little Miss Ellie is in a funny phase.  She likes to pick things up – to clean up.  She’ll hand you something and say, “dirty!”  So cute, but poor thing – you can’t clean up all of the leaves in the park :)


Sweet girl was so independent on the playground equipment.  She’s 16 months – amazing!


Someone else LOVED the slide!  So proud of him and how he is so brave!!


Least you be deceived, there was a meltdown.  But all things considered, a wonderful, wonderful day!!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Jessi’s Graduation

Jessi has been attending Jefferson County High School.  It’s the kind of school where you work at your own pace.  She started at the beginning of the school year.  So since then she has completed her Junior and Senior years, including four Dual Credit classes.  I am so proud of her!

She completed everything last week.  So Monday we went to school together.  They dressed her up in her  cape and gown and we took pictures.  Sweet Jessi, then one with her teacher, Dr. D, and one with the administrator.  They are so proud of her!  They kept telling her and me how wonderful she is – always the leader of the leaderboard.  She is a great kid!


Afterwards we went to lunch to celebrate!! 


They have an official walking ceremony in June that she is invited to participate in, but she is 100% officially DONE with High School!  On to adulthood!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Introducing the trampoline


It has been so cold and snowy and rainy and yucky, that we haven’t been outside a lot lately.

I feel bad because there is so much in our backyard that I know Kai would like. 

Today it was warm – got up to 70 – but it was raining on and off.

So before the floodgates opened, we headed out.

He LOVED it!  He loves big movement!  I love his happy smile!


But first a few pictures of my grandbabies……. look at Bennett’s hair!!

We went to a shop that specializes in all things cancer, which includes wigs.  The photographer in me couldn’t resist the fuzzy chair and the wooden door, so I plopped the kids down and started shooting.


and sweet Ellie..


the wigs….

we were so amused that with every different wig she put on, she looked like a different Aunt.  Look!  It’s Aunt Rissie, Aunt Asia, Aunt Danielle!  So funny!

She choose a really cute brown short wig.  Now when she doesn’t want to look like she is on chemo, she can pull on her wig and go!



Happy Valentine’s Day!

Daddy gave everyone chocolate, but I didn't get any pictures.  The person who loved them the most – Kai!